Have you seen the online booking page reports available on ServiceM8?

Have you seen the online booking page reports available on ServiceM8

If you’re using online booking pages to allow your potential customer to send enquiries and make bookings, then you’ll want to know about this simple out-of-box report that ServiceM8 now provides… To find this on your account, go to Reports > Online Bookings > By Service You’ll be shown how many visits each page has […]

Using ServiceM8 Proposals? Save photos as favourites to add them easily

Using ServiceM8 Proposals Save photos as favourites to add them easily

If you’re using the latest ServiceM8 feature – Proposals – then you’ll probably want to access some of your best photos to show off your work, your team or your accreditations time and time again. Save your best photos to ‘favourites’ and you’ll be able to access them easily from any job card, for any […]

ServiceM8 Proposal webpages slow to load?

ServiceM8 Proposal webpages slow to load

Have you noticed that your Proposals are slow to load on the web? Check the size of your images! If they’re huge, then this will be the primary cause of the slow loading times… and the longer your customers have to wait to view something, the less likely they are to hang around. So first, […]

Group most used emails templates together for speedy inbox processing

Group most used emails templates together for speedy inbox processing

During our first quarterly ‘Simplification Day’, Jonathan and I went through every business process and asked the same question over and over – is there a simpler or easier way of doing this? One simple change that came out of our day was grouping the emails he commonly uses at the top of the email […]

Have you explored ServiceM8’s Automations?

I’m still surprised when I audit ServiceM8 accounts and find they’re not even using the out-of-the-box automations that ServiceM8 provide! ServiceM8 has a range of simple automations that you can switch on to have your own little ServiceM8 robot helping you. To get started, go to account > settings > add-ons and switch on the […]

Job Queues are for the stages your jobs go through

Job queues are for the stages that your work goes through from quote to completion. They represent your pipeline. The flow that your work follows. For each job queue, you have the option to assign a member of staff to take care of that stage or not. You might find it easier to visualise this […]

Drive Success – Use custom fields to monitor key data points

Drive Success - Use custom fields to monitor key data points

Want to make more data-driven decisions in 2024? Use ServiceM8’s custom fields option to start tracking the information that might make a difference to your success. Management thinker Peter Drucker said it best, “You can’t manage what you can’t measure.” You can’t know if you are successful unless success is defined and tracked. By measuring […]

Using ServiceM8 for larger projects

Using ServiceM8 for larger projects

Here are a few ideas for how you can get the most out of ServiceM8 when you’re tackling larger projects. Firstly remember that – Next, you can utilise various features.. consider – Do you manage large projects with ServiceM8? What other tips and tricks do you have on this topic?

You may measure revenue, but do you measure time?

You may measure revenue, but do you measure time

Revenue is always an easy KPI to understand, but in our increasingly impatient and demanding world, time is money. When was the last time you looked at the time stats in your business? Could you tell me how long on average it takes to get a job through from creation to completion? Is this a […]

Use ServiceM8 network to handle subcontractors

Use ServiceM8 network to handle subcontractors

ServiceM8 Network is perfect for working with subcontractors and giving them all of the information they need without having to give them access to your ServiceM8 account. This is better than sending a WhatsApp, for example, as it cuts out the possibility of typos in the job address (I sent our sparky to the wrong […]