28th August 2017


ServiceM8 Tips

#ServiceM8Tips: Template Fields Cheatsheet

Template fields are used across ServiceM8 to customise your email and text message (SMS) templates to include details from individual jobs. These special fields act like placeholders, pulling in the information from job cards so that your emails and text messages are personalised, without you having to do everything manually.

ItemTemplate Fields
Amount Paid by Customer (available after payment){job.payment_amount}
Client Name{job.company_name}
Current Job Status (Quote / Work Order / Completed / Unsuccessful){job.status}
Customer’s Billing Address{job.billing_address}
Customer’s Billing Contact Email Address{job.billing_email}
Customer’s Billing Contact First Name{job.billing_contact_first}
Customer’s Billing Contact Last Name{job.billing_contact_last}
Customer’s Job Address{job.job_address}
Customer’s Job Contact Email Address{job.email}
Customer’s Job Contact First Name{job.contact_first}
Customer’s Job Contact Last Name{job.contact_last}
Customer’s Mobile{job.mobile}
Customer’s Phone{job.phone_1}
Customer’s Purchase Order Number{job.purchase_order_number}
Date payment for this job was received{job.payment_date}
Invoice Due Date{job.invoice_due_date}
Job Category{job.category}
Job Completion Date{job.completion_date}
Job Date{job.date}
Job Description{job.description}
Job Invoice Number{job.invoice_no}
Job Number{job.generated_job_id}
Job Quote Date{job.quote_date}
Job Subtotal Price (ex Tax){job.subtotal_price}
Job Tax Amount (GST/VAT/etc){job.total_tax_price}
Job Total Price (inc Tax){job.total_price}
Job Unsuccessful Date{job.unsuccessful_date}
Job Work Completed Description{job.work_done_description}
Job Work Order Date{job.work_order_date}
Next Scheduled Booking Date (long format){job.next_booking_date_extended}
Next Scheduled Booking Date (short format){job.next_booking_date}
Next Scheduled Booking Time{job.next_booking_time}
Payment Method (available after payment){job.payment_method}
Staff Member’s first name sending the email{calculation.current_user_first}
Staff Member’s full name sending the email{calculation.current_user_fullname}
Staff Member’s last name sending the email{calculation.current_user_last}
Staff Member’s mobile number sending the email{calculation.current_user_mobile}
Staff Member’s name who booked the job{job.booked_by_name}
Today’s Date (Extended Format){calculation.todays_date_extended}
Today’s Date (Short Format){calculation.todays_date}
Your Company Email address{vendor.email}
Your Company Name{vendor.name}
Your Office Address (City){location.city}
Your Office Address (Line 1){location.line1}
Your Office Address (Line 2){location.line2}
Your Office Address (Line 3){location.line3}
Your Office Address (Postal Code){location.post_code}
Your Office Address (State){location.state}
Your Office Fax Number{location.fax}
Your Office Phone Number{location.phone_1}
Your Website address{vendor.website}

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*I agree that when I sign up, I will be added to a marketing mailing list where I will receive email tips and promotional offers from Hazel Whicher. The frequency will vary, but it will never be more than weekly.

Hazel Portrait
ServiceM8 Logo - Gold ServiceM8 Partner Edition

Hi, I’m Hazel. I’m a Business Systems Specialist + ServiceM8 Gold Partner.

I can help you craft a business that’s easy and efficient to run.

I ran a plumbing and heating company for 10 years and in 2016 became a ServiceM8 Partner.

I’ve worked with hundreds of business owners just like you to implement easier and more efficient ways of running their business.

My mission is simple: to inspire you and help you develop an efficient and profitable business that gives you the time to do more of what you love.