5th December 2023



A handy list of things to review following the ServiceM8 2023 updates

Here’s a list of things to review following the ServiceM8 12 launch in October.

(Consider saving this list somewhere so that you can do this as part of a software / office spring-clean job in January…)

1. Firstly, have you activated the ServiceM8 12 updates?! If so, continue!

2. Go through each of your email and sms templates and see whether you still need them. Then use the Regenerate button to see whether the AI Smart Helper has any suggestions to make them better.

3. You can now follow up on a quote up to 5 times (with email AND SMS) – Revisit your quote follow-up automation and set up a new ones, making sure that you follow up to or three times for each quote.

4. You can now chase for payment up to 5 times (with email AND SMS) – Revisit your payment follow up automation to review when and how you chase missed payments. Might also be a good time two review your payment terms (Tip – generally the longer your terms, the longer it takes to get paid, so shorten your terms to get paid faster.)

5. Go through each of your Automations and use the Smart Helper to reword and improve each of the messages that you send out.

6. Review your approach to Stripe. If you’re outside of the UK you can now pass on the stripe fees directly to the customer if they choose to pay by card. If you’re in the UK, you can’t pass on the fees by law, but there’s nothing to stop you reviewing your pricing, offering different payment methods for large and small value jobs and changing your payment policies.

7. Take stock of the biggest problems you’re facing in your business right now and then look at the overview of new features. Can any of the new features help you solve any of the problems you’re facing?

8. If you want a printable cheatsheet, head on over to this page to download one here. – www.hazelwhicher.co.uk

9. Can you improve your quote win rate by starting to use the new Proposals feature? Things to ask yourself – what is our quote win rate at the moment? Do I normally offer options? Are they quick to produce?

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Hazel Portrait
ServiceM8 Logo - Gold ServiceM8 Partner Edition

Hi, I’m Hazel. I’m a Business Systems Specialist + ServiceM8 Gold Partner.

I can help you craft a business that’s easy and efficient to run.

I ran a plumbing and heating company for 10 years and in 2016 became a ServiceM8 Partner.

I’ve worked with hundreds of business owners just like you to implement easier and more efficient ways of running their business.

My mission is simple: to inspire you and help you develop an efficient and profitable business that gives you the time to do more of what you love.