3rd September 2021



Best Practices for Switching to ServiceM8

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Does your job management system fulfil the needs of your business?

Whatever system you’re currently using, the thought of switching to a different job management system can be overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Switching to ServiceM8 helps you to take control and work smarter, from the client’s initial contact to scheduling, quoting, job completion, invoicing and payment. On average, businesses that use ServiceM8 complete 30% more work in the first three months.

When setting up your ServiceM8 account, you can follow the easy-to-use guides that ServiceM8 provide. Or, if you need additional support, you can choose the expert assistance option for full setup and training packages.

Want to know more? Read on to find out my top tips and best practices for moving over to ServiceM8.

Getting Started with ServiceM8

To make sure ServiceM8 is the best choice for your business, why not set up a discovery call with me?

To find out more, you can:

Sign Up for ServiceM8

Signing up for a trial account is the best way to get started. This enables you to ‘try before you buy’.

The trial account is a full-featured account, free of charge for 14 days.

If you think you’ll need a little longer, signing up through my website extends the free trial period to 21 days.

Ready to start Switching to ServiceM8? It’s time to Choose a plan

Plans with ServiceM8 are priced according to how many jobs you’ll complete each month. The simplest way to estimate this is to look at the number of invoices you send each month, then add on around 20% for quotes that didn’t go ahead. The end figure will be a good estimate of how many job credits you will need.

Each plan provides access to different features and benefits. The most popular plan is the ‘Growing Plan’, which allows for up to 150 jobs per month (approximately 38 per week), and allows you access to ServiceM8 forms.

Learn How ServiceM8 Works

ServiceM8’s Learning Roadmap offers a great insight to how the system works to make switching to ServiceM8 easy. It features a series of videos and articles, which you and your team can work through at your own pace.

Import Your Contacts

The process for importing contacts when switching to ServiceM8 largely depends on whether you are using one of the accounting packages that connects natively with ServiceM8. These are:

  • Xero
  • Quickbooks
  • Myob

If you’re using one of the above accounting systems already, you’re in luck – ServiceM8 can automatically import customer details from your accounting system, including:

  • Names
  • Addresses
  • Phone numbers
  • Email addresses

However, some information will not be transferred, including (but not limited to):

  • Reminder dates
  • Notes
  • Attachments
  • Photos
  • Asset information

Be mindful that if you started using your accounting package after your current job management system, it is likely that a lot of information will be missing from your accounting package. That means you will also need to download as much customer data from your existing job management system as possible.

If you are not using a supported accounting package, you will need to extract as much customer information from your existing data management system as possible.

The best way to do this is using spreadsheet (.csv) document format.

It may be necessary to data cleanse – this means tidying up the customer information in preparation for importing it into ServiceM8. ServiceM8 partners can do this on your behalf. You can then import most of this information into ServiceM8 using the Bulk Import feature.

Notes, photos and dates and recurring work may need to be added manually. This can be added as you input work for existing customers into ServiceM8, or it can be carried out in one go with the help of a staff member dedicated to data entry.

Depending on how much information you are able to extract from your current system, you may wish to keep one license for that system for a year or 18 months. This means you can guarantee access to all of the information you’ll need going forward.

Import Your Materials (Price List)

Why every service business needs a proper price list

Once again, you’ll be at an advantage if you are already using one of the native accounting packages. When connected with ServiceM8, all of the pricing added to previous invoices will be transferred into the ServiceM8 materials and services list.

However, if your current price list is a work in progress, you might consider tidying it up and creating a new set of materials.

Check out my guide to creating a comprehensive price list for your trade / construction / service business.

Set Up Your Quotes & Invoices

ServiceM8 offers out-of-the box quote and invoice templates, known as ‘document templates’.

They are not particularly pretty, so you may wish to consider options to improve them, such as:

  • Editing the templates yourself
  • Buying ready-made quote and invoice templates
  • Sending copies of your current quote and invoice templates to a ServiceM8 Partner. They will be able to build them into ServiceM8 on your behalf.

 Set Up / Invite Your staff

Your staff will need to be set up with a ServiceM8 account to access the system. Before setting up the accounts, decide which security permissions you want each person to have.

Here’s a handy reference to the security roles available including information on what each element means.

Making sure your team knows how to use the basic features of ServiceM8 is vital. However, it is equally important that you explain how you want them to use the system.

Before taking them through this, write down a brief list of what you want them to do each day and for each job. For example, you will ask them to use the system to clock on and off each day. For each job, you might ask them to:

  • Clock on and off
  • Take before photos
  • Fill in a job completion report
  • Write up their notes
  • Add pricing
  • Charge the customer

The specifics of what you want your team to use the app for will depend on what information you want to be recorded, as well as your business setup. Whilst you might want them to take plenty of photos and write up their notes, you might prefer that they don’t get involved in billing or invoicing. Your team will work best if they know exactly what is expected of them. They will be able to use the app more effectively if you’re clear about what you want them to do with it from the outset.

Choose a Start Date for Switching to Servicem8

Set the date that you intend to start using ServiceM8, making sure that everyone in your team knows when and how they are expected to use the system.

Before your chosen start date, remember to remove test jobs and information. This can be done using the Cleanup Wizard.

Once your account is up and running, review it regularly to ensure everyone is using it as expected and you’re staying on top of the work and jobs.

Need Help?

The ServiceM8 Support Team is available 24/7, however, they are not usually able to offer tailored 1:1 help for your specific business needs.

If you need bespoke support, ServiceM8 Partners are a certified group of ServiceM8 experts. They are a superb resource for dedicated help with your migration.

If you’re looking for a local, helpful ServiceM8 Partner, the ServiceM8 Partner Directory is a great place to start.

Want to skip the calling around? As a ServiceM8 Partner with over a decade’s experience running a Plumbing & Heating business, I’d be happy to help. Just drop me a line!



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Hazel Portrait
ServiceM8 Logo - Gold ServiceM8 Partner Edition

Hi, I’m Hazel. I’m a Business Systems Specialist + ServiceM8 Gold Partner.

I can help you craft a business that’s easy and efficient to run.

I ran a plumbing and heating company for 10 years and in 2016 became a ServiceM8 Partner.

I’ve worked with hundreds of business owners just like you to implement easier and more efficient ways of running their business.

My mission is simple: to inspire you and help you develop an efficient and profitable business that gives you the time to do more of what you love.